2018. január 2., kedd

Gay literature/media recommendations?

Hi all you lovelies. I'm trying to bring in more positive LGBT influences into my life through different types of media. Music, Books, TV/Movies, etc. For so long, I was in the closet and having to hide and so I've really been disconnected from exposure to gay culture. I'm currently pretty broke, but my local library is in a university town and is pretty cool about having books regarding lgbt things. I've found a couple non-fiction books as well as a YA fiction novel with a gay main character. I had a friend suggest some books that he felt were pretty good for someone who's new-ish to the community but unfortunately, my local library doesn't have them. So yeah, there's that struggle. I thought I'd try again and keep looking. It can be fiction or nonfiction, or even if you want to tell me about really good shows/movies/music that you think I should take a look at. Thanks!

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