2018. január 22., hétfő

Found a guy, I really like him. I don't want my coming out in the midst of the relationship to be a detriment to him.

It's not that I hid completely in the shadows, I told close friends and family members, I've been "accepted". I just can't seem to shake this feeling that I'm turning this blossoming relationship into a story about me, which is unfair. I want to be a confident person in a healthy relationship, instead I'm finding myself locked in thoughts when I'm around my straight group. It's a huge social adjustment and something I don't want to pile on top of the fact that I have not met or dated practically ever. On the other hand, he's very secure in his sexuality. He's a few years older than me, been out since forever. I really like him, but that is just not my story. Tried coming out at 19, did it very poorly.Dating-wise, one fling with a guy I did not like (ok, 2 flings). Then I hid in the shadows until 24 throughout my undergrad. Studying was important (ugh). I'm trying to meet men again, but I'm worried I'm getting wrapped up in the entire "process" socially. I want to tell everyone, and I'm all full of feel-good shit. But what I feel should be a normal conversation between my other single friends (dating) is turning into a coming-out story.I happened to find out that my roommate is also dating, and we've been slowly swapping stories. He's straight though, and I try to tell him how my dates have been going but they almost fall on deaf ears. He's very kind, but he's obviously uncomfortable with the conversation. I really don't want him to be though! It's like, when I talk about my dating experiences, they feel less "real" than his straight ones. In groups, no one asks about how my dating has gone either, most likely out of fear that they will somehow insult me? I guess the fact I've kept it hidden has signalled that I'm not secure in this facet of my life? But the fact that it is a silent topic makes me feel that it's somehow less valid. I want it to be normal, and I want people to know and consider it a real thing. I feel it's somehow seeping into the relationship as a whole, and I don't want it to ruin anything.Sorry this has turned into a rant, it's just been such a hard experience on me the past few weeks. Full of a lot of stress and emotion. I feel like I'm making progress, but sometimes these barriers feel almost insurmountable. After our first date, when I was waiting for my bus at the station, even he looked around before we kissed. Is this what it will always be like?

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