2018. január 27., szombat

FollowUp - He doesn't .i. anymore...

Hi guys, so if you read my threat last week (http://ift.tt/2DHRG4J), then you know about the stuff I've been going through with my boyfriend. It's over now. I got him to finally talk. So after all, he said he loves me, but the sex thing is weird, since he is normally into 'skinny guys', which I'm not, I'm rather muscular (not fat) and I go gymming and care for my appearance. So I decided, I should break up with him, since I shoudln't feel as hell around my partner and it doesn't seem like we were gonna be able to find a solution to the problem.Do you think I did the right thing? It's killing me, I miss him and love him. But I love me, too. Thanks for reading and all your insights!

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