2018. január 27., szombat

Dating Tips & Etiquette

I’m only recently out, 30 years old, and grossly inexperienced with dating any sex. Furthermore, I’ve tried NSA hookups a few times and have not enjoyed it. So I prefer dating guys in-person. What are some strategies you use when dating guys but are not interested in moving forward once you meet up?I’ve gotten into awkward positions when I realize I’m not into the guy. Some mistakes I’ve made include not saying anything until the end of a long, two-hour date over dinner, and the date getting upset.In other cases, guys have come on really strong and kind of freaked me out a little (I’m still trying to get comfortable with dating) but I end up just ignoring it, but the dates end up confused when I say I didn’t feel a connection.I don’t expect that you can ever avoid awkwardness, but I’m wondering if I’m not being proactive at managing this and getting myself into these situations. Just want to see what the rest of you guys think.What are some other general tips you have for dating?

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