2018. január 27., szombat

Being religious and Gay

Does anyone here is a proud gay but also religious?I come from a very religious environment and family. I have been brought up as a religious Muslim since I was little and I am now 18 years of age. I have realised that I was gay early in life and dont really face any problem accepting it (which is usually not the case for other people).I love watching RPDR and am not into sports yada yada. Also love watching makeup videos even though I will never wear them (except for concealers). All these stuff makes me happy. But being a muslim also makes me happy. Going to prayers and reading the Quran (I understand quranic arabic) also makes me happy. And throughout my teenage years I have been content with this but lately Iv been annoyed. I really wanna have sex and be in a relationship with someone but I also know that it would just be a guilt trip. I also think its unfair to my partner. can u imagine fucking someone and then they feel guilty afterwards. I dont ever want to make anyone feel like that.So I am here to ask if anyone has this kind of dilemmas too?

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