2018. január 27., szombat

Being a gay introvert is killing me

Introvert: "A person who is energized by spending time alone".24 year-old guy here. I've been trying to get out of my comfort zone and be social in the last few months. I attended to most of the weekly meetings of my university LGBTQ club yet I struggle terribly to make friends. I'm in friendly terms but definitely not close with people around me at uni. I feel terribly lonely sometimes and I really think that chances of me finding a boyfriend are as low as they can possibly get. I think that straight people don't seem to have such an hard time connecting with people even when they are introverts.I don't really want to go out, drink and party all night, especially not on my own. The problem is that this is seriously preventing me from meeting new people, from making friends and from possibly finding a boyfriend.I'm so sad. I've been in this dark place for probably 10 years now and I don't see my life getting any better in the future.

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