2018. január 27., szombat

Being gay and stuff.

So - I don't know what to call this to be honest. But I just wanna get it off my chest. So I met this guy online and we've been talking blah blah. He's great, and I like really like him like a lot. He's made me really happy. I've had growing depression for like 2 years, am on anti depressants, dropped out of school etc. But now that I'm talking to him and it just makes me so happy. On top of that happiness - until now I really was not sure about my sexuality and what was going on. I had tried talking to girls previously and some guys online but he's just like made me realise. I'm gay as shit. It's made me so happy to be with him and I just want to tell everybody. I'm gay, I'm getting back into school, going to the gym, socialising with my friends again. I'm just happy. My only real problem now is that I've got to come out - and who knows how that'll go. My family aren't mega homophobic but I fear they might treat me differently. My sister has a gay friend who they make super welcome and treat him like a family member but I don't know if it will change something.

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