2018. január 24., szerda

Advice needed-in love with a coworker

So I’ve been at my job for about a year and a half now and am absolutely in love with a coworker. Its almost like I’m in high school again...I dream about him, think about him all the time, and miss him when I don’t see him during the day, all that creepy stuff. He works in a different department and we don’t speak often, so I honestly don’t even know if he’s gay but I have a good idea he might be. I need advice on what to do next! Should I abandon these feelings and move on because it’s a coworker and potentially a sticky situation? Should I fess up and ask the guy out and just see what happens? My issue isn’t so much the embarrassment if he’s not interested, but if he’s not gay and I “accuse” him of being so, it would create a volatile work environment (we don’t associate with each other often, but he works in IT and we have enough interaction that it would have to be addressed eventually). Thanks everyone!

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