2018. január 23., kedd

A hook-up > A fuck-buddy > something more?

We first met at a threesome. I didn't really consider him anything special but after we were done, he asked for my number. Well fast-foreward a month and we continued our playing and subtracted the other guy (even though he's the reason we met). We started spending time together and slowly but surely he started breaking down his walls -- talking about how he's in the midst of getting over an ex blah blah blah things I didn't really care about. Fast-foreward another three months, we're still talking and enjoying our time together. We don't even have sex anymore, which is a good thing because before I only saw him as a tool for sex but now we can enjoy our time for hours just watching television or talking or even just making out etc. I slept over his house the other day and it was the first time I slept over anyones house. However, we only ever hang out at his house. He invited me to a Christmas party once but I couldn't go cause I had work. He told me it feels like something and that he has feelings for me -- I told him I'm too good to be a rebound and he needs to figure his shit out before he thinks he can handle a guy like me. Now, he's starting to feel like himself again and doing the things he likes and I think... I might feel something for him as well. I don't like intimacy because It makes me feel weak but he has a way of making it feel good. The problem is: I've been having thoughts of his ex coming back (they broke up 6 months ago); him using me to get over his problems; etc. My normal reaction to these kind of emotions is to ghost (i've done it a lot and I know I've hurt a lot of people) but he gives comfort. I don't wan't a relationship because 1. I've never been in one 2. I don't trust anyone but I really do like this guy. It's only been 4 months (going onto 5) and although that isn't nearly enough time to get to know someone -- we.... mesh well together. We're both still on Grindr talking to other guys but there is a connection.

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