2018. január 17., szerda

A Blessed Dream On Many Levels....

There are few journeys into the astral plane (aka dreams) that I consider to be top tier. This past evening I was lucky enough to have one. This journey started off within my old high school, which consisted of 4 years of all boys, all religious, all preppy white boy, all bull shit:) Thankfully two of my girl friends were accompanying me so I wasn’t alone in this wretched place. When the dream started, we found ourselves in the basement of my high school where the band room was located. As we walked around I saw one of my band moderators that I had while I was there. We said hi to each other and he seemed to go along with his day as if nothing was a rye. Next we decided to ascend the long staircases of the school, where each stair platform plateaued into an extremely large field of grass with stage lighting (this was not how it was when I attended here so I applaud my subconscious for keeping this interesting). As we went up to the next floor a guy walked past the three of us. He was incredibly fit, chiseled to the gods, and was covered in beautiful dazzling red hair from head to toe. What really intrigued us was the tight jock strap he was so effortlessly rocking. As he passed he gave us a very shady look, as if we were not worthy to be stepping on the same stair well as he. As we continue our ascent we discovered he was not the only red haired bomb shell to bless us with their presence, as at least 50 or so men had now gathered on the platform where we were. The air was thick and tense, nobody was moving their bodies only shifting there gaze between my two friends and I. Suddenly music began to play, I heard the faint noise of a beat with some soft snapping. With this onset of noise a troop of even more jock strapped men came pirouetting up the staircase below and onto the grass-covered stage. As more of the men started dancing to the beat, I myself began to move around the stage, stretching my legs and throwing down some serious side-eye. My two friends eventually caught on and our trio was now pitted in an epic dance battle against some of the sexiest men i’d ever seen as Britney Spears “Boys” played all around us. The next moments of this lovely dream were filled with hair flipping, wetness, leg stretching, sensual touch, and what eventually lead into a 50+ person orgy on the staircase of my all boys, all religious, all preppy white boy, all bull shit high school. What can you take away from this experience?: blast “Boys” (or any other Britney song really) before bed to ensure the ultimate fantasy in the night to come.I hope this retelling was as satisfying for you as it was for my subconscious:) Get I get an amen up in hurrrr???!??!

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