2017. november 18., szombat


Hi,I've been questioning for some time now and have been reading this reddit over the last couple of days.Most people on here seem to have known from a young age what they are. All through puberty and when I was young I'd definitely consider myself straight. As I have gotten older I seem to be getting more and more homo, to the point where I almost exclusively masturbate to gay porn and almost all my fantasies are gay. I've had several female sexual partners and although all of them were fine none of them were great. I recently experimented with a guy through Grindr and although it was totally nerve wracking it was fantastic.Thinking this through I'm probably bi, but that's the last thing that I'd want to be. If I am gay I think it would be okay with family and friends after the initial awkwardness so I don't have too much to fear in that respect.I just wish I could be sure of what I am so I can get on with my life as that. Any redditors have any advice?

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