2017. november 29., szerda

First time bottoming with IBS (irritated bowel syndrome)?

Hey all.I've known I'm gay for 3 years now but never had sex before so I'm still a virgin. Through what I watched I feel like I'd love to be the bottom and I finally have the chance to try it out.I've been talking to a guy who is really nice and we want to have sex. He knows I'm a virgin and has been really supportive of me, but he doesn't know that I have IBS.Basically I need to go to the toilet at least like 3 times a day, especially just after I had a meal.I've never thought about this before but now that I have the chance to try something out and have fun, I've only been crying. I feel like I'll be alone forever and I can't have sex because of this.What should I do? I feel like I'll never be loved because of this and everyone's gonna laugh.

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