2017. november 27., hétfő

Gay men and body image

I read an article that said that gay men and heterosexual women are the most prone to developing a negative body image.The article argued that this issue stems from rejection by all the men in our lives and Hollywood ideals, and that that is why we are so obsessed with having the perfect body, the perfect face, the perfect fashion on a much larger scale than other men.I think it's really important to talk about this because I feel like this is a problem that often goes unnoticed. It's an interesting subject too because I notice myself subconsciously subscribing to that mindset as well. I've told my family on multiple occasions that I think I'm too fat though my BMI falls well within normal range and everything points to me being healthy. I remember even Will & Grace in multiple episodes talking about how being fat by gay standards is different than by straight standards in a sort of tongue-in-cheek way, but I think they're not even that far off at all. Even with facial beauty, I feel like collectively we are obsessed with being 'on fleek' and there's less room for us to just be average looking and by extension also less room to be okay with our bodies and faces not being perfectly sculpted.Just made me think about how our community has such different beauty standards and such an unhealthy relationship with beauty as a means of acceptance. Wanted to share my thoughts, what do y'all think about this topic?

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