2017. november 30., csütörtök

should I visit this guy?

will try to simplify this...There's a guy that I've known for a few years, we hook up occasionally. He's on my facebook and we message every now and again.He just bought a house in LA, and I was congratulating him and jokingly invited myself to visit. He was like YES, come, it's not an issue. He's really fun in bed, and he's a nice guy. But here's the BUT...I find our communication to be weird. I'll message him and want to get to know him better through certain questions, but he will respond with one or two words and keep it brief. BUT when he has something to say to me he'll go on and on. He messaged me and confessed about his marriage coming to an end, and than he messaged me about his ex boyfriend and their issues.So when he wants to unload, he's all chatty, but when I want to chat he doesn't really engage. SO I'm just a little iffy on flying out to him because of that. I wouldn't say he's reliable in that way.What do you guys think? Should I actually let him know how I feel? Just book the flight and see what happens? Or just not go?And please if you guys need to ask me followup questions do it...

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