2017. november 30., csütörtök

Finally Came Out To My Crush...

So... I'm Bi, but my current crush is toward my roommate so I've been posting about him on mostly gay related subreddits.There was an incident a while back which made me think he didn't even think of me as a friend, but after a while, and clearing up some misunderstandings, we've become so much closer, and I've become somewhat of his keeper. (I'm the only one he listens to when he gets super drunk and that fact alone made me cry with gratefulness.)Anyhoo, I've come to terms that he is super straight and that I should move on, and only think of him as a friend. Well this is much easier said than done when he's constantly being nice and considerate towards me and makes jokes that he would leave a girl just for me etc.I told a friend (the only person I've came out to sober) about this crush and she told me that saying my feelings out loud might help me get over them. What I failed to realize was that she didn't mean in front of my crush himself, but my drunk self on the topic of gay clubs, told him, and others who were there, that I was Bi, that I thought he was good looking, had found him attractive, but now love him like a brother.Wow. His reaction moved me even more. He said he sort of knew, but didn't want to mention anything because he didn't want to ruin our relationship ("Wow... I was THAT obvious, huh?"), thanked me for saying that he was good looking, and that he was grateful for the way I feel about him.He DID NOT say that he DIDN'T have feelings for me, but that's not the point (nor is it important to me anymore). Telling him how I truly felt really lifted a huge weight off my chest and I feel so much comfortable with myself AND around him.I previously made a post about 'Why We Shouldn't Crush On Straight Guys,' but I totally change my mind now. Crush on whoever your heart goes to... AND TELL THEM HOW YOU FEEL. Sure, it might not go as well as it did for me. Sure, you might not get accepted. Sure, you might even get rejected and ridiculed. But, saying how you feel out loud helps you accept yourself and your deepest feelings, and move past them.Thanks for reading another stupid long post, but just thought I'd share.

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