2017. november 29., szerda

I don’t know what to do

We were in the car while this conversation happened, so I said if you do don’t have anything to say I’m taking you home, and I told him he has time until then to say something so Clarify things because once I got to his house he can forget about me that I didn’t want him to call me or write to me.Half way to his house he said that he didn’t want to loose me, that he was really scared and that he did went blank, I couldn’t help but to laugh a little and I told him “I told you this is not about the sexual stuff it’s about you pretty much saying that I raped you, but I can defiantly tell that you love it” he started to cry and told me that he did really liked it but he isn’t gay, and that the was his only way to not admit to it, that he knows that I asked plenty times if he was ok with it.This is when I cried with him and told him he doesn’t know how much weight he has take. Of my shoulders, I told him I love what we did, I loved the fact that we had the intimacy, for me it wasn’t about the sexual part. He said “I love what we did I liked it but I’m not gay all I can think is what people are going to say, what are my parent going to say? I don’t want to be a disappointment.”I explained that I didn’t think he was gay, and that this was out business. He didn’t have to put a label on it. I didn’t think of my self as gay, and repitted that it was more then the sexual part.After that we been good, I should say his all has happened during last week and it seems like its Been a long time it has been very draining.... all is clear but I can’t help but to want to do it again.... what should I do??Do you guys think I didn’t somethkng bad? Did I handled the situation properly? I think of myself as straight I have never been with a guy before, this is my first time, I don’t look at guys and think they are cute, but I did like having this experience with him, before the drama.Please be honest but keep rude comments to yourself.

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