2017. november 17., péntek

So, my friend tortures himself with his ex(s?).

So a friend of mine, let's call him G; G was in a "relationship" with a guy that was submissive and "under ownership" of a married gay couple. One day, G showed up and his "ex" made him sleep on the couch. Fast forward 7-8 months and G hasn't gotten any closure or any of his assets back from the relationship. He still texts the guy and I'm under the impression they talk about almost everything but their failed relationship.Idk WTF to tell him. He's into the kinky lifestyle and I know some weird shit goes on, but play isn't the place for many feelings unless they are clearly communicated.I'm so confused about why the hell he still give a damn and I want to help him move forward so bad, but i can't fake empathy. You make the bed you lay in.Anyone know anything about this?

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