2017. november 17., péntek

I got called gay and froze

So it’s been a reoccurring thing that I get called gay, but this time was different. We were play kickball and I was getting made fun of for how I kick and I tried to defend myself and then he says it “everyone knows your gay.”My heart stopped. This girl who has a crush on me walks up to me and says “are you.” Now my heart is racing at 1,000,000 miles an hour, I panic and say “w-what no I’m not”at this point I wanted to cry because I already came out to 2 of my friends and I thought that they might have told. Not knowing what to do I just walk away. Later the next day the girl looks at me different like I had just killed someone I felt even worse this is where my depression kicks in and all I want to do is cry.Later at lunch one of my friends was there and heard what he said and asked me “are you ok” (btw he already knew I’m gay) I told him what happened and he knew I was uncomfortable so I kind of just shut down like mentally, my brain just went to the worst thoughts like “ my parents will find out and the family name is ruined or I’ll lose all my friends and be a loner for the rest of the year. Keep in mind I come from a super homophobic town where almost daily I see homosexuals getting kicked in the junk and being spat on all the time it’s just a bad place for gays and I just want support mentally

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