2017. november 26., vasárnap

My boyfriend is more attractive than me, and it hurts.

I love my boyfriend very much, and he loves me back. He considers me the best boyfriend he has ever had (out of 6!) And we are even planning on living togethereventually. I can't imagine being with anyone else except him.That being said, I can't help but feel like i pale in comparison to him. Physically. He's a very cute and handsome guy and people are not afraid to approach him. He gets checked out by a lot of guys when we at a gay bar or club. I feel like his friends judge me when they meet me and I don't feel like they think I match with him.That's not to say that I am a completely worthless person. I have an amazing personality and I am really good with people. I'm sweet and kind, according to people I've met, and I'm a great boyfriend.And yet, I still still feel terrible about myself! I am so shallow and it makes me feel like an awful person. I don't get checked out as much as my boyfriend (I actually only get checked out by girls for some odd reason). When we go to restaurants, the waiters and waitresses tend to focus on him over me, even though I'm trying to be as friendly as possible. Is it because I have an ugly smile? Is it because my skin is darker than his? Is it because he's slimmer than I am and I just look like an average pudgy person?I just feel so insecure and ugly, and I want it to stop. I don't want this to ruin our relationship. I try to ignore it but these self deprecating thoughts keep coming back to haunt me. Help.. :/

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