2017. november 16., csütörtök

Met this guy today...feel guilty

I got up the courage to ask out this guy today that I had a crush on. I liked him for a while and I just felt so nervous asking him. I got his number, and now I regret it. I've just started discovering my sexuality. I've only ever went after women. He was so nice and it looked like it made his day, but a part of me felt so weirded out after asking him out. I feel proud I asked a guy out and told him how I felt, but now actually getting a number and proceeding forward is freaking me out and I regret asking in the first place. I feel like such a tease and a coward. A part of me is ashamed to say, but I'm afraid of people knowing I'm bi especially my friends cuz I'm in a small town. You don't get how conflicted I am, on one hand I've been crushing over him for a while, and I finally faced my demons, but now I can't go through with it and I feel like a tease and an asshole. Idk, I didn't think this though....

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