2017. november 17., péntek

Gay club vs Straight club

In the last 4 days I've been to 5 clubs, 3 gay and 2 straight, and I think I prefer straight clubs for dancing with everyone and gay clubs for "ooooooh look he is cute!"It may just be the club's I've gone to, in sydney, so far but gay clubs are way more bump and grind than straight clubs. Also I don't have to let guys down at straight clubs and girls take it well when I tell them I'm bi with a boyfriend; on the other hand gay guys stop everything at that point.Anyways Which do you prefer, and do you have a partner?Edit 1- I understand most guys go to the club looking to leave with someone. I'm not arguing anything. Guess I need to find a bump and grind non sex after group/club/bar

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