2017. november 19., vasárnap

6-Month coming out Milestone

Hey guys, today is the semi "anniversary" of my coming out (I've come out on May the 19th this year), and I just wanted to share it with you and to thank this subreddit for helping me in the process.Last year was one of the worst I've ever spent as I was coming in terms with my orientation (Having a depressive crush on my bestfriend and can't tell anyone was a part of it...).I've then decided to talk to my parents before I could get into any relationship (Well I never kissed anyone before that, and I was "socially" asexual, I didnt want to before I informed my parents, as I didnt want to lie to them).Since this moment I've been into several relationships and most importantly I'm no longer suppressing what I am and I can finally stay true to myself; I'm in the top of my university class and I have nothing to worry about but my studies.I hope it will give strength and courage to anyone that wants to come out, and for those who aren't as lucky as me, I really hope it will get better for you.Have a good day,

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