2017. október 25., szerda

First Guy Crush

So im having a bit of a confusing time! Im curentlly 16 and i have always liked girls, had a few crushes and stuff, but for the past 2 years i have been jerking off to both straight and gay porn. And i still do like girls bodys(more then male bodys).But i find myself having a crush on one of my male friends, just like any of my girl crushes I whould imagine what its like to live with him, move to a nother country, shit like that you know... I am a bit afraid of how my parents would react but than again they dont need to know yet. Most of my close friends i know are not homophobic but some I also know are tho...What is the problem however is that he probubly isn't gay, he sayes he has NOTHING agains gays and stuff and even jokingly said that he is gay. Also he claims to have never had a crush on a girl before. Im afraid that if i ask him directly for a relationship it would make things SUPER AKWARD if he is not gay. How can I find out if he is open to something like this?

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