2017. október 31., kedd

Still single... Want to break that

Hi! I'm a 23 years old man from Chile. More than introverted, I always was kind of awkward on social skills. At least I decided change that a few months ago, and while it's working, I still have difficulties on creating a deeper relationship (I have one only close friend, and a also some other friends, both online and irl).I tried different methods... Lurking around on websites I (would) like to spend on, as well just trying the straightforward dating sites. I won't try in my own city since I'm afraid of not being able to find someone who's not between a SJW or homophobic rando. Haven't found a guy I'd like to share the same house with yet.An additional note: I don't care about distant relationships. After having my best friend for year who doesn't live in the Americas, without mention I do see a legit distant homo relationship from a couple of artist I followed for a couple of years already. And I'm kind of apathetic towards patriotism, so I wouldn't mind moving out of this country (in fact I see it very likely, as soon as the income allows me to do so).I feel this post crontributes very little about my situation, so don't be afraid to ask!

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