2017. október 30., hétfő

How to meet someone worthy

I have always been picky with guys. Whenever I chat with someone and I learn about their sexual history, I lose interest. Being gay it is so easy to have sex and not care about the consequences. I have a thing for quality and whether it's a guy or a thing I always want the best I could get. I don't like wasting my time on things that are unstable or inconsistent. It seems like everyone just wants sex and don't care about the long-term. Some people have casual sex and "want" a long-term relationship and that is just incomprehensible. It feels like I am the last of my kind and ironically I am in NY, one of best places in the world. How and where do I meet people who wants a real relationship? Am I just different and there is just no place for a stubborn hopeless romantic in the gay community?

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