2017. július 23., vasárnap

I think I really fucked up and would love some input.

Im sorry if this is poorly structured and written but I'm just freaking out a little bit.I've been talking to a guy for awhile and we've been getting so close that I am almost to the point that I could say I love him. However last night I really hurt his feelings.I am a closet gay and he knows that. We were texting and I sent him a picture of our text and it showed that his name was changed to a girls name because I didn't want my parents to see anything and get suspicious.I know I'm the asshole here and he seems very upset about it. I've said sorry and how much I care about him but he still seems like he's upset about it.I'm scared I'm going to lose him because of this and I care about him so much that this is literally hurting my heart.How does someone handle this situation and hopefully get things back to normal?

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