2017. július 28., péntek

Anyone else at this point?

So I'm 23, and I have been out and dating since I was 15. I feel like I've already been through my 'slut phase', got all my craziness and experimenting out. I then decided I wanted to start dating and I found an awesome guy after trying for a while. He was my one serious relationship where we had our own place together that I thought was going to last but we were forced to split because of forces out of our control (we were both military, he got orders to go somewhere I couldn't follow him). Anyway I decided to move back to my home town and not beat myself up about losing him and go right back into the dating scene. I've been going on dates for 2 years now and it's been terrible. Everyone in my hometown I go out with has a major negative character flaw. And I think I'm giving up on dating finally. I'm just done. I'm kind of done with the gay community at least where I live. I want nothing to do with it. I've decided to be a loner, delete all my apps on my phone, and just focus on myself. I know this isn't necessary a bad thing and actually probably the best thing for me but I still find it sad that after 8 years this is where I'm at.

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