2017. július 29., szombat

Have feeling for a guy who cannot let his ex go

So both of us are 21. I met this guy one week ago on the app and we soon agreed to meet in person. After that we were meeting everyday and having beautiful talks. We can tell that we share similar background and mindset, interest and taste and views.Today he asked me how I would define our relationship. I said that I would expect it to be more than friendship, but he thought being friends would be more preferable for both of us. He told me it's the pressure from parents of his ex that killed the previous relationship, and he cannot let him go. (They broke up six month ago, with little contact since then)Our conversation can often go quite deep and the story I mentioned is also very private for him, so I know even if he refers to me as "a friend", I'm still a special one. But I want to make our relationship further. What should I do? Should I still keep my feeling for him? What can I do to move forward with him, at the same time he won't feel pushy?

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