2017. július 31., hétfő

Does anyone hate themselves for being gay?

(I made a new Reddit account to ask this. I don't want it on my main.) I'm so sorry if this turns into a wall of text but I truly need helpSo, a bit of backstory first. I'm gay. I've been gay. I always was, but didn't accept it to myself until about a month ago. Just curious or bisexual or horny or whatever other excuse I could use to justify how I felt.Now here's my issue: I've spent so many years already suppressing my feelings, and now that I've acknowledged how I actually feel, I'm having a very, very hard time handling it. I told my close friends and family I was bisexual about a month ago, which I thought was true. Once I let myself "be bi" it became clear that I'd much prefer guys over any girls.This realization destroyed me. I'm accepted by my friends and family and will be, but I'm not accepting myself. I don't dislike gay people. I have gay friends and have had them for years, but I just never saw that being my life. Now that it is, I can't even think of myself or my future the same.I don't hate that I'm gay, but I hate what it entails. I hate how my friends treat me now (I'm "accepted" but apparently being gay means you like anyone of the same sex to some straight people. You just get treated differently even if they're still ur friends) I hate that I wouldn't be able to have a fully biological child with a guy. I hate how a child would feel in school with two dads. I hate how picky I am about the guys that I like. That's gonna make love very hard, because physical attraction is a very huge deciding factor in many relationships. I hate how my very close guy friend is being dragged through the mud in all this and being called shit behind his back because he's sticking up for me. Apparently gay guys can't have straight friends? BullshitI don't believe love's for me, because I'm a hopeless romantic, too picky for my own good, and hate who I am.I don't know what I expect from you redditors except maybe to talk about it somehow in hopes I might accept myself a little bit. I just feel like I let myself or others down in some way and I can't explain it very well. 😢

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