2017. július 23., vasárnap

[Motivational Rant (?)] We shouldn't constantly be chasing after a perfect prince, life as a single gay man is enjoyable too

While I understand that most of this sub is used for venting sadness and frustrations, it sometimes seems as if /r/gay is overwhelmed by negativity.If you're single, take advantage of that. Take a break from worrying about "is he gay?" and "how would I ask my crush out?" and instead find a friend with or without benefits, go to the movies, maybe get intimate. Focus on your work, become a car guy (like me), road trip with your friends, become a sloth in your bed with Netflix for a day or two. Anything.The constant stream of negativity can be replaced with at least some positivity. We have hurdles to deal with, yes, but put those hurdles on the back of your mind for a little while.

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