2017. március 15., szerda

Just got an std test but im feeling very anxious, need advice

Hello, I am a 19 year old boy.This last January I had my first kiss and lost my virginity to someone i met on Tinder, I didn't use a condom (I was top). He told me a few weeks later he tested positive for gonorrhea. honestly though I am also scared of HIV, he only told me about gonorrhea and so i messaged him today if he tested positive for any other STDs but he hasn't opened the message up yet (its snapchat but he could be in china for spring break where snapchat's banned lolz and no other means to contact him). I am scared that I got HIV or something. I coughed up some mucus on two consecutive Saturday mornings.Yesterday I went to go get an STD test; I know I waited a bit too long, but I attend a university in the middle of no where, and the nearest free place is an hour away, so I borrowed my friends car to go there. Didn't want to use insurance at a local place as to not raise my moms eyebrows.The place itself was kind of sketch, all seemed to go fine until towards the end the nurse asked me "what are some good ways you know to prevent stds" and i gave 3 good reasons, then she said "and of course abstinence or having a monogamous relationship in marriage, as is God's way" and i was like bruh how did we go from 100 to 0 so fast. I literally saw no crosses or "family-centric" imagery in the waiting room or around the place, so I kinda checked out. but I just went with the rest of it so I could get through and go grab some Panda Express before driving back. I later looked up some reviews of the place , one person claimed its a "fake" clinic and I'm not sure what that means, but of course augmented my concerns. I'm afraid they used a dirty needle or something that had HIV on it or something.they said I have to come in to get my results next Monday, which i reluctantly agreed to, they said "they ask all their patients to come in to receive their results"; I'm not sure if that's common practice though, I'd rather just be called. I'm going home for Spring Break which is 5 hours away, the clinics an hour away but it's on the way home--but I want to go straight home on Friday. I cannot stand staying here over the weekend. I am too lonely, anxious, and scared, to spend the weekend here at this tiny school with no one to talk to and literally nothing to do all day. Is there any way I can get them to give me results via phone.I know this is just a bunch of text but if any of you have any advice, to either allay or validate my fears, that would be Tremendous.

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