2017. március 30., csütörtök

I don't know if he likes me now or If I'm just exaggerating.

So, I've liked one of my friends-- let's call him, J.-- for a while I finally had the guts to tell him I liked him, and he told me he liked me just as a friend. That following Monday was the first time we had saw each other since I told him, and we basically ignore/avoid each other. This has been going on for about a month. He still looks at my snapchat stories and stuff, but we never talk to each other, because I guess its too awkward.Fast forward to today. Things have changed. We still avoid each other but I've noticed that sometimes, he steals glances or just flat-out stares at me. I don't know if it's because he may be finally realizing that he actually likes me or what... We don't have any classes together, but he always seems to be in this one class of mine to talk to my teacher... even though that isn't even his teacher. I saw him look at me in class from the corner of my eye.I guess all I want to know is... does it seem like he may start to like me or am I just over-exaggerating?

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