2017. március 16., csütörtök

My boyfriend doesn't know if he's gay, and I don't know what to do

Hi r/gay!I've seen plenty of topics go by where people have had some great advice about issues in their life so I'm hoping you guys can help me.So I'm 27 and a few months ago I met a guy online who's 20 and we hit it off straight away; we've got a lot in common, we can be playful and silly but serious when we need to be. The thing is though, it's a long distance relationship. I'm in the UK and he's in the Netherlands. But we've been talking for about 6 months now and a few months ago he was happy for me to start calling him my boyfriend and we've both said the L-word to each other. And as an aside, we've done plenty of sexting, Skype etc so there is already a sexual component to our relationship.So I've made plans to go visit him, which is coming up in about 6 weeks and I'm really looking forward to it but a couple of weeks ago I started to notice that he was being less talkative, not always answering my messages and at first I thought it was just that it was down to his work, as he works late and ends up getting up late but it was really starting to bug me, so I asked him if there was a reason he was being so distant and he dropped a bombshell on me.He told me that he's confused and doesn't really know if he's gay or not. It seems like he doesn't really want to talk about it in any real depth but it's basically brought our relationship to a grinding halt. I'm trying to give him some space to let him try and figure things out but I feel sort of helpless with us being so far away, and I can't exactly force him to talk to me about it. I've told him that I want to help him any way I can, and that I'll give him the space and the time he needs to figure stuff out but other than that I'm sort of at a loss as to what to do.Obviously we have a sort of 'deadline' for us to work out what our relationship is, which is my visit in May because I feel like I need to have a solid idea of what to expect while I'm visiting and what he'll be okay with while I'm there. But at the same time I don't want to push him on it and potentially drive him away.I have some suspicions about where his confusion might be stemming from, which I think is mostly down to his family. He's of Chinese descent and is the youngest child and only boy after 4 girls so I think he probably feels pressure from his parents to continue the family. I also know that his parents have a tendency to be over critical of him (as I know a lot of Chinese parents do, without trying to perpetuate stereotypes) so his self-confidence is extremely low. He's battled with depression and even thoughts of suicide in his teens and so I know things can be bad for him sometimes.So, after all that rambling I'm looking for some advice. What do you think I can do to help him in working this stuff out without pushing him further away, and how do you think I should approach this trip to see him that I've got planned?Thanks in advance to all who will take the time to read this and offer their opinions, it's really appreciated.:)

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