2016. március 22., kedd

What are my chances of having contracted HIV?

Hey guys. Gonna cut to the chase. So I was last tested for HIV in Nov and it came back neg. Made an appointment with my doctor on Mon to get tested this Thurs. Then just an hour ago an ex partner just so happens to hit me up and mention in Nov he tested poz. He bb'd bottomed in August. Between Aug and Nov we were together. We usually played safe. From what i remember however, he swallowed my load 3 times and I topped him bb once for about 5 mins but did not cum in him (could have precummed in him.) How at risk am I? Since blood tests don't pick up the last 3 months of sexual interaction I feel like that test in Nov I took may as well not have even happened. Ehhhhh, I'm stressing this.Anyway thanks for all responses everyone. I know HIV isn't the death sentence it use to be but the social stigma of it would be hardest for me to deal with. Cheers.

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