2016. március 22., kedd

Need some advice, not sure what to do :(

About a month ago I (23) met this guy (24) on a hook up site. He seemed nice and we messaged back and forth for a couple days. We met on a Friday night at his place, chilled for a bit...chatted and watched some Netflix, had a drink. We had a really good time, great sex, conversation, etc. Crashed at his place, cuddled all night, woke up in the morning cuddled and had more sex lol.Now, here is usually when on a one night stand you're either kicked out or want to get the fuck out. But we were both enjoying each other's company. We walked to grab some breakfast and went back to his place. Spent all afternoon talking and chilling.The following weekend I met him for lunch and we hung out for a bit, no sex or anything. Then the past two weekends we chilled at his place, I spent the night, only had sex one of the two times (still messed around though), and spent a majority of the next afternoon with him.So I'm finding myself actually liking him, but...He got out of a 1.5 year relationship in December, so I don't think he's ready for actual dating or a relationship again...still brings his ex up quite a bit. I don't know the whole story but apparently his ex hurt him a lot. Anyways, we've both opened up a lot to each other. We've told each other about our past, childhoods, family, personal struggles, ambitions, dreams...basically gotten to know each other on a deeper level than "fuck buddies"...at least that's how I feel.From past experiences with dating, I'm really insecure and cynical. Like I said, I keep telling myself that it is wrong for me to have feelings for him...and that if I do I should probably just stop hanging out with him because he'll inevitably want to stop hanging out with me, which will just hurt more at that point. Awful right?I don't know, maybe I'm just being paranoid, overly cautious, anxious. But I do genuinely like him, he makes me laugh, smile, feel good, I enjoy being around him. And not to mention he's cute as hell. He always tells me that I'm cute, and told me that I'm "a special guy to him" (I don't know wtf that is supposed to mean). Every time he's said something like that I haven't really reciprocated (thought I want to) for fear of coming off too affectionate.The first week we texted quite a bit..equal amount of both of us texting first. And the last few weeks we have barely texted. Pretty much just check in or confirm plans. Which honestly that's fine with me, I'm not a big texter, but it kinda sucks I'm the one to initiate 100% of the time. I know I'm probably look into this too much, but I feel like I shouldn't text him as that might come across desperate/clingy...or maybe he's really not interested and hoping that I just go away? But then again, what if he's thinking the same thing by not texting me. We texted a bit Sat night but I haven't heard from him since, and I don't know if I should initiate or wait...even if that means he never contacts me again.Anyways, just looking for some advice on how to approach this situation.

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