2016. március 13., vasárnap

I'm dating this guy and he's kinda confusing. Looking for advice on how to approach him!

So I've been seeing this guy and it's going slow, which is completely fine. However on our first date we talked about what we were looking for. We both had said that we don't wanna just be hooking up and that we're open to something more if it comes along. I guess I thought that something more came along when we started to get physical and he had said "I don't want this to be a one time thing." Well, I felt the exact same way.Like when we're hanging out together I feel like he's totally into it. But he's not very good at texting me and stuff, which again is fine. It's just my own thought process that I need to deal with, because I'm use to people being very clingy.I'm currently out of town for spring break and he texted me asking if I was hooking up with anyone tonight, I was drunk (my level of cheesiness was through the rough) and said "Not unless you were here." I guess I wanted something cheesy back but all he said was "lol ahh 😁"I wanna bring it up to him cause I like him and have a good feeling about him but I don't wanna come off as needy or crazy or trying to move to fast. But maybe that's exactly what I'm doing?I just want to be reassured (from him) that he is into me. I'm wondering how to go about it.

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