2016. március 23., szerda

If you've never been tested, go for it. I had my first STD test, and here's how it went!

I've lurked on the gay/bi subreddits for a while, and finally had my first gay encounter. I've been in a long-term, monogamous, hetero relationship, and the gay sex I had was from a transgression. I messed up. I had been putting off being tested for a several months because the guy is one of my best friends, but I just couldn't get it our of my mind. I have no symptoms of anything, but still. What if?I didn't want to spend money of this, first of all. I looked up free clinics near me on this site and found one about a half hour away. I called and spoke to the person who sets the appointments, and he was extremely friendly. He also took several minutes to answer some questions I had about how the tests were done and whether or not I should bother coming in at all (of course I should). I set an appointment for noon that same day.I got there and the building was fairly non-descript from the outside. There was no sign about it being for gays or about STD testing. In fact, it was on the second floor of a building that has a dentist on the first floor.I walked in, went upstairs, and the same guy I spoke to was there at the desk and was again, so, so nice. He had me fill out several papers and privacy notices. It asked a lot of questions about my sexual history and whether I had ever been tested. Because it was a free clinic, and they are funded by the state, they do report results (confidentially) back to the state. I was fine with that. They also ask if they can share it with my primary care doctor, and I opted out for that.After filling out the papers, they called me back and I sat down with a community health person in a very comfy room with a sofa, decorations on the walls, etc. and he administered the rapid response test for HIV, Hep C and...syphilis maybe? This guy was really cool, too. He talked very openly about everything and talked told me all kinds of things I didn't know about STDs/STIs, and it was all really good to know. Again, extremely nice, very helpful. It was a finger prick blood test and the results took about twenty minutes. While that was happening, I went to another room and met with a nurse who swabbed the back of my throat, took a urine sample, and gave me a cotton swab to do a rectal swab. She sent me in another room to do the swab and gave me the vile to put the swab in and told me to seal it. Cool.After that, I went back to the first room and found out I was clean for the first three tests! Yay!My point in sharing all this is to show anyone who has never been tested that it's incredibly easy, everyone is very non-judgmental (even after I told the community health guy that I slipped up and cheated on my SO, he was really cool and didn't pass any judgement), and the people there are genuinely happy to see people come in to be proactive about their sexual health. Also, the whole process took about 30 minutes, and they will call me later with the other results.If you have never been tested and have been sexually active, please go get tested. It's incredibly fast, easy, and many places give out free condoms to anyone who wants them!The other cool thing was that in the event I tested positive for anything, they have a service where they will call anyone I have been with and tell them, "This is ______ from the free clinic. We have reason to believe that you have been in contact with a person who has tested positive for an STD and you should come in and get tested and or treated, and there is no cost." They won't tell them my name, they just leave it at that.I'll take questions, now. You in the back with your hand up? Go ahead.

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