2016. március 18., péntek

I Think I am gay

Sorry for a long post but I need to get this off my chest. XDSo, basically, I have been suffering from PANDAS (mental disorder caused by strep) for about 1 and 1/2 years now. One of the side effects of that is OCD. One of the side effects of OCD is questioning your sexual identity (questioning-not changing)-and for a while I have. I thought I was straight, and even though I was (and still am, obviously) a huge supporter of LGBT rights, I didn't feel comfortable with being gay or bi, especially since it was all caused by a single gay sex dream.But recently I have realized: I was only straight because society pressured me too. In the 2.5 months since I've been questioning, I haven't had a single straight thought, conscious or unconscious, while I have had plenty of gay thoughts.For the record, I am 14 and have never masturbated and don't plan to (something about it just disgusts me, though no judgement to people who do).Now, I can naturally ejaculate when I see an attractive naked man or see two guys...you know. Occasionally I see a cute guy in public and think "I would have sex with him" (even though I am a virgin and have never been in a serious relationship with a guy or girl).But, I am nothing short of disgusted and frankly a little offended when I see a naked woman. Something about how disgusting everything seems and the inherent sexism of it all just turns me off completely. I wouldn't have sex with a woman my age-ever.So, yeah, that all seems pretty gay right? I am far from stereotypical (I am an introvert with only a few close friends who would rather watch tv than go to a party)-but I am drawn to shows and movies with gay characters and such for some reason-I think its the OCD-but the fact is I can picture myself in a same-sex relationship and I am actually happy.Plus, while I am writing this, I feel a huge weight being lifted off of my chest.Coming out would worry me a little bit though. My mom, though she has said in the past that she would be fine if me or my siblings were gay, is also a psychologist who knows about HOCD and I am worried she would think that is all it is. My dad is hugely conservative with almost everything-and I am telling the truth when I say that I took comfort in the fact that he didn't boycott Star Wars after the Campbell's ad (I am so desperate XD). I am too afraid to even tell my therapist (even though he knows I was struggling with HOCD), much less my loud mouth friends who might out me to the entire school.I have been obsessing over whether or not I am gay a lot-and I have a lot of the symptoms-but that might be that fact that I am gay with OCD.So, any thoughts? Thanks for reading and I would appreciate any help?

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