2016. március 7., hétfő

Help regarding a Friend

Hello. My name is Hunter, I attend Cypress High School, and I'm as straight as a rainbow. In 8 Days - It's going to be my crush's birthday. If you haven't guessed- He's a guy. However! It's going to be during break, and it'll force me to celebrate his birthday prior to the actual date (he's not big on parties). So I wanted to get him a present!It's not that easy. First things first, he's "straight". As in, the last action he had was a crush on a girl 2 years ago. Everyone at the school knows i'm gay, for we are very supportive.As far as him, well, He knows i'm gay. He says he's straight. But he's easing up to me. It started off with "Gay's weird, you're weird" to casual 1 on 1 close conversation about everything - relationships to movies to schoolwork. (to the point where he's start the conversations too, it's always nice when a crush talks first)Do I think he's straight? Yes and No. He says he is. But he's been keeping up on the Drama and Nonsense of knowing how gay I am. Does that make sense? I feel like it doesn't.And the problem for me is, If I go talk to him and tell him I like him, 2 problems occur: 1 - I don't know what I like about him. I can't pinpoint it. It's not like he's overly attractive. People think he's annoying. His hair's really fuzzy. I don't know!? 2 - I don't want to ruin the relationship we have, or worse, the friendship. I would die to know if (said guy) hated me, or didn't want to be my friend anymore. But if I don't tell him what if he think i'm uninterested?So I want to get him a present that's perfect. Not too generous. Not too boring (ie Gift Card - I think it shows you care little). Not too revealing.I'm so confused. Why are relationships so hard?

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