2016. március 7., hétfő

Am I gay or HOCD?

Am I actually gay or just OCD?This is a long story, so sorry I guess. XDLet me start with some background. I have had PANDAS-OCD caused by strep-for a little over a year now. Now, there is no official test for PANDAS, but I have all the symptoms-anxiety, sleep troubles, lesser cognitive abilities, and of course, severe OCD. I caught it when I was 12, and am now 14-meaning I am going through puberty and am affected by hormones.When I was 10 or so-I was very fascinated with the male body, and being the prevented 10 year old I was,decided to google pictures of my male parts as soon as I found out the name. I call it a "dark time" whenever I look back-but I remember always getting a erection when I viewed it, and the fact that I was never interested in seeing a naked women (and no, my parents or anybody else didn't know and I was smart enough to clear my history). I stopped after I saw a picture of 2 men performing anal sex and the fact that I was disgusted by myself (It lasted for around a week. I should note that I didn't understand the concept of homosexuality either.)However, all of my childhood crushes were female-I remember a girl I really like in kindergarten, and my 4 middle school crushes were with girls-and I had sex dreams. But all of those were before puberty and I just remember them as forced-in the state right before sleep where you can think about whatever you want.However, for as long as I have know about sex, I found both straight and gay sex disgusting-even now, a hormonal teenager, the most I can even do is picture it and am disgusted with myself after. I also find masturbating disgusting by the way, and have never done it.But, recently, about 2 months ago, I had a sex dream about a male (after my OCD had gotten severe by the way). Then, I started googling pictures of naked men and found myself turned on (getting a full blown erection) and ejaculating, but when I googled naked woman to prove to myself I am straight, I am disgusted and turned off.I have also pictured myself in a relationship with another male (my age of course), and felt quite comfortable and even "fell in love" with this perfect character-and envisioned getting married-but never having sex.However, while I have always supported LGBT rights, at first, I was scared that I was gay, forcing myself to prove it in any way possible-I took comfort in the fact that my index and ring finger are near the same length, and my really (potentially forced) female sex dreams, and the fact I got turned on by straight sex (which is normal apparently)But recently I have learned about HOCD-homosexual OCD-and found that it was quite common for a previously straight (or identified as such-like me) male to feel like he was gay, only not to feel that way once his OCD is over. I have a lot of the symptoms of it (on a test, I answered all of the questions yes-even though the theory that you get what you want), and think it is possible.But my feelings really do feel real-and I am quite comfortable with them actually.I know that your sexual orientation can't change-but I do know that hormones can "bring up" pushed-down feelings and is a time when many people question their sexual identity...But I still am disgusted by gay or straight sex. However, when I see an attractive guy in the mall or on a tv show (My word is "cute"), I wouldn't mind kissing them or even moving forward. But that doesn't have with woman. I thought both were disgusting before my HOCD.I have come up with 4 options: 1. I'm actually gay, as my hormones and OCD brought out my real feelings. 2. I'm bisexual, with a preference for male (though I am confused with the concept of bisexuality and really don't think I am). 3. I'm asexual, on the gay side, meaning I don't want to have sex but I do want to be in a healthy relationship (which is me, though being an introverted teenager who has grown away from his old friends, that might be normal). 4. It really is all in my head and is HOCD, with all of my homosexual thoughts a way of coping with the fact that I am gay according to my HOCD.Either way, I am waiting until I don't have my OCD anymore before I come out or think of myself as gay.But it is really stressing me out right now and was wondering about other people's opinions. Am I gay? Or do I have HOCD?Any help is appreciated. :)

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