2017. november 18., szombat

Why do people stare at me all the time?

I always catch people staring at me. I know I stare at people a lot for many reasons so I know sometimes it’s just a normal thing, but it seems like it happens to me all the time. Does this have to do with attraction or just random reasons? I know I’m not ugly, but I’m not what you would consider “hot”. Most guys say I’m cute and I’ve had multiple guys tell me I’m like a 7 out of 10. Thats when I’ve asked them to rate me. Lol. They weren’t rude and just rated me out of nowhere. People have told me I look like Michael Phelps, Michael Cera and one other guy but I can’t remember. So why do you think people stare so much? I used to be paranoid when I smoked pot but I quit a year ago so this is not in my head haha.

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