2017. november 23., csütörtök

Sex with gay escorts only

For the last three years I’ve only been sleeping with gay escorts. I usually pay a higher rate to get the premium boys. I like them, in In their 20’s good looking with muscles. I’m pretty good looking, but the guys I hire are usually even out of my league. I have been with many, and have found a handful, that really work for me. So the sex is usually hot, and they work around my hectic schedule. Most are bad, but some are very good. AMA. But my question is, I now find it difficult to sleep with guys who are average/good looking. When I go on apps, I only want the best looking, ie young, muscular and a good looking face. Just have no interest in okay looking guys. This is clearly, due to the fact, I’m used to paying for the super hot guys, whom I would never be able to sleep with in the real world. What are your thoughts and any advice for reprogramming my attraction.

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