2017. november 22., szerda

Sex with Bel Ami escort porn star

So recently a bel ami pornstar was in London, offering his escorting service. So, thought I’d take the opportunity to book a couple of hours. Verdict; it was a huge disappointment. He was the most beautiful man I ever laid eyes on, huge dick and muscaular smooth body. I can’t stress how beautiful he was, much better in real life then videos or pictures, an Adonis . He was gay for pay, which I figured out immediately. He kept trying to sell me a threesome with his buddy, which I’m really not into. Like all the attention for myself. Oh the sex was awful. stalked him later on Facebook, he had a girlfriend. He couldn’t really maintenan an erection, spent the most of the time eating his ass, which was delicious, I may add, but wasn’t really into providing a good service. I’ve been with enough escorts to know when they put a good ‘performance’. Anyway, he liked being sucked off and I swallowed all his load when he did cum, didn’t tell when he was ready, but did enjoy me licking his balls, I don’t usually swallow, didn’t mind as he was so beautiful. Anyway my question: what’s your experience sleeping with pornstars, is it worth trying again?

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