2017. november 19., vasárnap

Is my roommates friend into me?

My roommate is straight and he often has this friend over (who I also thought was straight). He comes over a lot, like 5 times a week. Spends the night a lot as well. He even crashed on our couch for a month when he was having some financial problems. He’s recently tried to spark up a friendship with me. He got my phone number from my roommate and basically invites himself over when my friend isn’t even home. I noticed he always slept in basketball shorts and a t shirt until he noticed that I sleep just in my boxers or in gym shorts, no shirt and started doing the same. A lot of nights when I’m still up and my roommate is asleep he will knock on my door in his boxers (he sleeps in the living room on the couch) and be like what are you watching dude. And then like come sit on my bed and bullshit with me. They know I’m gay but it never really comes up and he’s a really cool guy. It’s not like he’s making moves or anything and he’s def one of those guys who, if he’s straight, is really comfortable around gay guys and doesn’t judge or act weird about it. He will ask me if he can finish the movie or TV show with me and just lay on the end of my bed and watch it with me. He’s so adorable so I do not object but I find it kind of odd. He’s really made an effort recently to hang out with me even when my roommate is gone. He will invite me to go grab some dinner or catch a movie “until my roommate gets home”. Even my roomy joked the other day that he thinks “Josh likes you more than me”. Do you think he’s trying to throw out subtle clues or he’s just doing this stuff naturally and doesn’t know what he’s doing? I mean I used to sleep with a shirt on and when I noticed my friends slept shirtless and I tried it myself and realized how comfy it was, I followed. So it might not mean anything. It just seems like he’s always trying to get us alone with as little clothing as possible as many times as he can. Lol. There are other situations he does this but I’m not gonna type out every single situation. What do y’all think? And what should I do? I recently got out of a relationship but we are planning on getting back together at some point, although I’m free to do whatever I want right now. I’m not even saying I wanna necessarily date or hook up with him but I wouldn’t mind cuddling with him or possibly fooling around. I’m also a really masculine gay guy so I don’t make gay friend easily so I would love to make a friend like him who I can hang out with and just chill.

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