2017. november 23., csütörtök

I'm in love with my straight roommate.

Hi, I am currently in University halls (dorms) and I live with 8 other people in my flat. To begin with the guy I am refering to I was not interested in at all. However we quickly became friends. We would stay up and chat.. watch movies in his room on his bed. ( we were not lying side by side like spooning but kinda lying forwards with our legs off the bed or curled up next to us). Naturally I caught feelings and I knew pretty quickly I had to tell him. So within a month of meeting him I did.He basically said he is homophobic but we can work around it since we have to live together for the next year.. and we are the closest friends in the house. Fast forwards to now ive told him again twice about my feelings and my confusion with regards to his actions. Again and again he said the same thing, I told him perhaps we cannot be friends and he said well thats fine I can be friends with someone else.. 2 days later he invited me to watch another series with him...Safe to say after telling him about my feelings 3 times within 2 months I truly believe that dispite his actions towards me.. lying next to / near me, sharing our food. Talking a lot.. I believe him honestly. However my feelings obviously are still there. .. when we joke around or play fight (we hit each other with pillows lol) I just wanna kiss him or stroke his hair.. hold him..I now find myself spending so much time in his room. Nothing compares to just lying next to him, everytime I just hope something happens.. and Im 22 and have never had a relationship yet.. so for me this is almost the closest its been to having one. I just dont feel lonely when im with him but feel depressed when he tells me to leave everytime. We are now planning living in a house next year.. so this will continue and I dont know what to do. I cant figure out if the negatives outway the positives..

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