2017. november 24., péntek

I have a suspicion that my best friend is gay

I don't feel comfortable in describing everything thats going on, cause my bond with my best mate since first year of high school is slowly feeling awkward, and were kind of drifting as a result of eveything which kills me inside. A little moment tonight gave me the indication that feelings could be towards me, not as much in a 'bro' way. Not saying I respect him less now that I have these suspicions, it's just that my man seems very uncomfortable in who he is and is going through what looks like a transition (style very feminine, has a lot of femine qualities but kind of plays it off cause what public reaction). I want to let him know that I'll always be there for him and supportive of everything he does (contrary to the roasts we sometimes dish him). Dilema is, I don't even know for sure if he is actually gay. So I would like to know the following: - When you came out, how did you open up about it - How do you go about asking such a question, that if I get a bad response to I might completely ruin my friendship. I dont want to sound insensitive because I'm not really familiar of this kind of situationThanks everyone!

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