2017. november 22., szerda

How do I tell my crush I like him

So I like this guy. I am a gay male btw, I under stand it would probably be a lot easier to tell him if I was a girl, but since he probably doesn’t like boys that makes the situation soooo much harder. Anyway, He’s in my biology class currently. I’ve known him for a year since he was in my bio class last year too. We didn’t really start talking until this year. We talk during class sometimes and he uses my phone charger and stuff so we’re kind of like acquaintances. I’ve literally liked him since last year. He just seemed so confident, manly, handsome, funny, etc all the things I’m not. I don’t have him on social media, although I stalk his Instagram and know his Snapchat (it’s in his insta bio) I’m just too scared to add him. Any tips? Sorry I know this post was poorly written and rushed. If it breaks some sort of rule please let me know.

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