2017. november 24., péntek


I’m 21 years old. I never really knew I was gay until I was 20. Shortly after I found out, I came out to my whole family. It’s been almost a year exactly and my entire family still doesn’t believe me or doesn’t want to believe me that I’m gay. I’ve never been stereotypically gay in that I was always good at sports, “masculine”, etc. They still act like I’m straight and every time I say anything about being gay they just give me a dirty look. It’s incredibly frustrating. I almost wish that I was just one of those obvious gay guys because then they would believe me. Shit fucking sucks and I find it incredibly frustrating to have to keep telling them like yo I’m gay, remember? Any advice on how to actually prove it to them? I mean yeah I could bring a boyfriend home but I still think they maybe are just homophobic? And in that case I don’t want to bring anyone into that environment. Any words would help

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