2017. november 15., szerda

"Coming out" for Thanksgiving

My parents, my mom mostly, have always made it clear to me that they did not want me to be gay. I've had "pep talks" since I was a kid, reassuring me that I would not be gay despite what other people have said (ever since elementary up until college I was called gay or a girl by classmates). So it's definitely something I've been struggling with my entire life and has effected any attempt at a relationship with a guy. As a child I thought I'd grow out of it and did anything I could to come off as straight, and for a while I fooled others and even myself. I'm 22 now and it's been a little over a year that I've come out to my close friends and just recently been comfortable letting strangers know.I just feel the need to tell my parents so I can finally... feel free. I don't live with them, and honestly I have kept my distance and have avoided visiting them because I just feel too ashamed. I've come close to having "the talk" with them but always back out. Of course I have the support of my friends, but none of them really understand and I don't have any other gay friends.I guess what I'm really scared of is them treating me differently and not loving me as much as they do now. Did I mention I'm the only boy out of four girls. All I ever heard growing up was how much my mom wanted a boy and kept trying until she got one, me. My sisters know but never talk about it and have been questioning why I feel the need to tell my parents and even advised against it.So if there is any advice anyone could give, or some ideas on how to do it. I really want to do it soon so I can start the next year better than the rest. Muchas gracias.

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