2017. november 26., vasárnap

Catching feelings....help!

So there’s this guy I met on Scruff back in August, we’ve seen each other like twice a month since. He works a crazy schedule so it’s hard to get together more often. He hinted to me in the beginning that he wasn’t looking for a relationship and just wanted to work on himself. Honestly I didn’t want a relationship either. The encounters we have are fucking awesome and often is a lot more making out and cuddling than actual sex (he’s a great kisser 😍) After we get off we lay in bed and just cuddle and discuss random topics. It’s always a several hour encounter. He never replied to many people on scuff before we met according to his “insights”. The last time we got together he told me he deleted his scruff account because it was just a distraction. He also told me he had never had a FWB before because sex is very personal for him but I was a cool guy. Even though neither of us wanted a relationship in the beginning I’m developing some pretty fucking strong feelings for him 😏. I’m afraid to say anything or try to hint I’ve grown fond of him because I don’t want it to ruin what we currently have going. He’s handsome as hell, hairy, strong and my perfect guy! He’s 3 years younger than me but seems to have his life together and doesn’t seem younger and immature. From some of the conservations we’ve had he only has a couple of good friends and really keeps to himself. I’m sure there were tons of guys throwing themselves at him so some of my insecurities don’t help the situation. What the hell do I do? How do I test the waters without pushing him away?

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